Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Project 3 start

Beginning design for project 3 which will be an interactive web design

Artist Statement - Introspection (draft)

Consider with whom you have conversations most frequently. Un-conceptualized is that the answer is your self.  We each have a perpetual dialog going on within ourselves. The value in this realization is that we can analyze, consider and redesign this inner dialog to influence our interpretation of the exchange of information that we assimilate on a daily basis. With this awareness we can adjust our cognition and behavior.

The greatest complement received about my design is when it generates various interpretations. This means that I have successfully pushed the viewer into quite contemplation where their inner dialog creates individual reflection.

By creating a design that leaves room for individual interpretation, either by complexity or simplicity, I hope to prompt viewers into a discourse that makes them realize how their individual construct influences their understanding of the design.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Starting project 3

This week has been a revision on my resume....

and the beginning of project 3. I was very intrigued with the students that used a web site as a platform for their art so for this project I am creating an interactive web site image based on my research in psychological perception. Reading further in Daniel Gilbert's book Stumbling on Happiness he states "awareness can be thought of as a kind of experience of our own experience."  With this project the viewer's interaction will contribute to their visual experience. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Review of progress

Just a review of progress for this week. Project 2 is near completion. Here is a look at the Badger State Outboard Association's  old logo and site design.

And here is the new logo, site design and business card.

This design is a continued exploration of negative space with simple clean lines and subtle graphics that depict elements of outboard hydroplane boat racing. The color scheme ties in summer blues and greens with a flair of orange, which is commonly seen in the racers helmets and life jackets. A succinct style is used in the body copy so the viewer can readily access the information provided by the association.

With just a few suggested shifts in the design and the final body copy provided by the BSOA this project will be completed. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Moving forward

Moving on with project 2 and the BSOA logo design. Here is the approved logo design and business card. Web site design is also progressing.

Admittedly research has been limited this week. I have done a bit more reading in Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life by Hayes and Smith for project 4. It is very interesting when you start analyzing your own thought process. It slows your mind to where you can actually seperate yourself from your internal dialog and change it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mixed progress

This week has been a jumble of progress. First a new look, layout and information on the resume.

Second was a more in depth appointment with the Humane Society where we reviewed their hosting software, their existing site and the direction they want their new site to move.

And thirdly was a dip into a more creative, inspirational project 4 which topic will be mindfulness with a goal of giving the viewer a different concept of interpreting ones own thinking process. Two books I have started as references are Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life by Steven Hayes and Spencer Smith which concentrates on ways to shift the thinking process from our inner dialog to experiencing our existence and surroundings. And Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert in which Gilbert's description of the separation of humans from other species is their ability to think about the future. More to come from this resource......

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Moving Forward

This has been a week with no major accomplishments just a slew of work on various projects.
First I am revising my resume design and personal logo as a class mate gave me a good critique on the first design.

Next is a logo redesign for the Badger State Outboard Association which they have approved so I can move on to their website for project 2.

Also the humane society site is moving forward. I am researching JQuery (Lynda.com & the JQuery site) for the drop down menus as their viewing audience encompasses a very wide range of browser compatibility. The drop down with the new CSS3 I don't think are a good idea at this time. My eye opener was during the class critique as the failed on the computers there.